Sunday, November 29, 2009

The correct way to prepare your nurtient.

The correct way to prepare your nutrient tank is to firstly add the finest water you can get your hands on ( reverse osmosis filters are the best and cheapest way to get pure water). Then add part A and stir very well (i use a pump to stir for me). Then part B and do the same stir very well. Adjust your EC level of the tank to the desired level.?If you use additives then now is the time to add those into the tank. Finally then check and adjust the PH to betwee 5.5 and 6.5. 6 being the optimum level to reach if possible. Also if you add to much Up or Down solution you cannot correct it. You have to dump the tank and start again. Doh !!

Happy Gardening

Monday, November 23, 2009

Neem Repel

For Indoor/Outdoor use on ornamental flowering plants, trees, shrubs, foliage.

All Natural Disease and Pest control

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Neem Repel

For Indoor/Outdoor use on ornamental flowering plants, trees, shrubs, foliage.

All Natural Disease and Pest control

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The best pest advice anyone can give.


The best way to keep those little pests at bay is to start with a clean room. Sterilise in between uses with chlorine or bleach or some other potent form of strong cleaning fluid.

Also when taking cuttings or seedlings from the nurseries or friends drench them in something like Dead Red or some other general purpose insecticide. Really drench them cause the last thing that you want is other people's problems in the form of pests and diseases.??Pests can ruin even a experts garden.

Even when planting I give them a good squirt as a precautionary measure that has saved my Garden from being infested.

You can also use a natural pesticide called Neem that you can use all the way up to harvest. It has no residual and stops the pests from breeding and feeding.

Also if you have used no chemicals you can employ beneficial bugs to eliminate the problem. This is the best solution because they don't stop until they have eaten all there prey.

Just drop us a line and we can give you advice or check out your local store for products and solutions that I have not mentioned here.

Happy Gardening

By Pepelapue


Thursday, November 5, 2009

The correct way to prepare your nurtient.

The correct way to prepare your nutrient tank is to firstly add the finest water you can get your hands on ( reverse osmosis filters are the best and cheapest way to get pure water). Then add part A and stir very well (i use a pump to stir for me). Then part B and do the same stir very well. Adjust your EC level of the tank to the desired level.?If you use additives then now is the time to add those into the tank. Finally then check and adjust the PH to betwee 5.5 and 6.5. 6 being the optimum level to reach if possible. Also if you add to much Up or Down solution you cannot correct it. You have to dump the tank and start again. Doh !!

Happy Gardening

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ablite 600 Watt Icebox kit complete with Adjusta shade.

The lighting package is the biggest seller we have. Because it is made in Australia using only the highest standards known to man. They come with a Full two year no hassles?warranty.?They also use alot less electricty than most of it's cousins. To top it off I sell them cheaper than most of my competitors sell the cheap Asian varities. They are also quieter than it's cousins as well. Our kit come with a bulb of your choice and the shade of your choice. But with the added reflection from the Adjusta shade most people go with them. The price is too hot to print go to . It is a very secure site that can handle all of your shopping needs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Test post!

Testing out the new server!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Coco Coir media the friend of the environment fast overtaking other medias.


Coco coir is fast becoming one of the most used growing media in the world today. It's cheap, it does not get taken from the environment and best of all it does not go to landfill. I'll explain in more detail in a minute.?

Firstly let's see where coco coir comes from. When they have harvested the coconut milk and its edible fruit. They make brooms and all sorts of items from them. When they do this a dust is formed into piles on the floor. They collect this and most of the coco is done in Sri Lanka or India. But some is taken to the Netherlands where they sterilise it in fresh water ponds and buffer it. Then they ship it around the world. This is RHP certfied for quality assurance. Don't buy anything else.

It has a natural friendly bacteria called Trichaderma which is great for nurturing the root system. I have covered where coco coir comes from but where does it go. Well what I do with mine I sprinkle on the garden or on the lawn. It adds humus to poor soil and is full of nutrients. It holds 1000% its weight in water so it assists in these harsh drought times.

Also use for seedlings through to all stages of plant life. Now that's a versatile media for growing all your favourite crops. Pick up a bag today. If you use the blocks that come from Sri Lanka or India sterilise first by boiling.

Happy Gardening

By Pepelapue
